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Biosense® – The Only Clinically Backed Breath Ketone Monitor
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Discover Your Healthiest Self

See your body’s fat burn response to the
new habits we help you build

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Biosense Provides Insights that Help You





Use Your Body’s Fat Burn Signals for Change that Lasts

increase energy
improve body composition
ease inflammation
reduce blood pressure
decrease belly fat
lower blood sugar
enhance brain health
increase mental clarity
regenerate cells

Reach Your Potential

Feel better through advanced fat burn tracking and insights


See your real time metabolic response after you sleep, eat, fast, and exercise.



Track your data over time and visualize your progress.

Fasting Clock

Monitor your body’s increasing ketosis levels to optimize your fast.

Metabolic Content

A curated library to help you understand your body’s fat burn signals and take action.

Activity Summary

Personalize your goals and follow
your progress.

See your real time metabolic response after you sleep, eat, fast, and exercise.

Track your data over time and visualize your progress.

Monitor your body’s increasing ketosis levels to optimize your fast.

A curated library to help you understand your body’s fat burn signals and take action.

Personalize your goals and follow your progress.

Daily Ketone Dose to Guide You

Your Ketone Dose answers, “how long and deeply you’ve been in ketosis
on any given day,” estimated from your ACEs measurements

Recommended by Metabolic Experts

Fat Burn Monitoring, Perfected


The unique (patented) deep lung sampling process provides accurate and reproducible measurements (ACEs) by correcting for natural variations in exhalation time and lung capacity across individuals.

Biosense® lets you measure your ketones without having to prick your fingers. Using only your breath, you can accurately track how your ketone levels shift without the pain, hassle, and expense of blood ketone tests.

Biosense® is a small, portable handheld device that can be used conveniently on your schedule. With a few simple breaths, you will discover the depth and duration of your fat burn.

The unique (patented) deep lung sampling process provides accurate and reproducible measurements (ACEs) by correcting for natural variations in exhalation time and lung capacity across individuals.

Biosense® lets you measure your ketones without having to prick your fingers. Using only your breath, you can accurately track how your ketone levels shift without the pain, hassle, and expense of blood ketone tests.

Biosense® is a small, portable handheld device that can be used conveniently on your schedule. With a few simple breaths, you will discover the depth and duration of your fat burn.

Build Healthy Habits and Achieve Fast Lasting Results

Learn how your daily choices and habits impact your overall health
(available in the new “Explore” tab)

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