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Fat Burn – Biosense®
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Achieve Your Health Goals

From weight loss to longevity, we let you know real-time how your body
uniquely benefits from different fat burn zones with the
only clinically validated breath ketone device.

0-4 ACEs

Low Ketones

Burning glucose

Still burning glucose as primary fuel

Burning fat

Burning fat for fuel
Improving body composition
Lowering blood sugar
Reducing blood pressure
Improving lipid profiles

Mental clarity

Increasing mental clarity
Easing inflammation
Enhancing brain health

Cellular regeneration

Regenerating cells
Enhancing health and energy

5+ ACEs

Weight Loss

Burning glucose

Still burning glucose as primary fuel

Burning fat

Burning fat for fuel
Improving body composition
Lowering blood sugar
Reducing blood pressure
Improving lipid profiles

Mental clarity

Increasing mental clarity
Easing inflammation
Enhancing brain health

Cellular regeneration

Regenerating cells
Enhancing health and energy

10+ ACEs

Cognitive & Anti-Inflammatory

Burning glucose

Still burning glucose as primary fuel

Burning fat

Burning fat for fuel
Improving body composition
Lowering blood sugar
Reducing blood pressure
Improving lipid profiles

Mental clarity

Increasing mental clarity
Easing inflammation
Enhancing brain health

Cellular regeneration

Regenerating cells
Enhancing health and energy

15+ ACEs

Healthspan & Autophagy

Burning glucose

Still burning glucose as primary fuel

Burning fat

Burning fat for fuel
Improving body composition
Lowering blood sugar
Reducing blood pressure
Improving lipid profiles

Mental clarity

Increasing mental clarity
Easing inflammation
Enhancing brain health

Cellular regeneration

Regenerating cells
Enhancing health and energy

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