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Biosense for Clinics – Biosense®
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Less Work.
Better Outcomes.

Make informed treatment decisions using clinical grade fat burn (ACEs) data from Biosense®, an FDA registered Class I Medical Device.

Drive Patient Adherence and Success

The Biosense Device and App work together seamlessly to offer your patients a
highly engaging digital experience to ensure the best possible outcomes.

ACEs tell you how much fat your patients are burning real time after sleeping, eating, fasting, and exercising.

Customize your Digital Program

From weight loss to anti-inflammation to longevity, our unique biomarker driven
metabolic plans can be tailored to mirror your clinical protocol.

ACEs Target

Ketone Dose Goal

Curated Content

In-app messaging and branding

You Define

Easy to Interpret Reports

Help you guide treatment decisions

Breath Ketone Monitoring, Perfected


Biosense® delivers accurate breath ketone data using a unique deep lung air sampling technique to measure across a broad range of ketone levels (ACEs). It is the only breath monitor with clinical data that shows a high correlation with blood ketones throughout a full day.

Biosense® lets you measure your ketones without having to prick your fingers. Using only your breath, you can accurately track how your ketone levels shift without the pain, hassle, and expense of blood ketone tests.

Biosense® is a small, portable handheld device that can be used conveniently on your schedule. With a few simple breaths, you will discover the depth and duration of your fat burn.

Biosense® delivers accurate breath ketone data using a unique deep lung air sampling technique to measure across a broad range of ketone levels (ACEs). It is the only breath monitor with clinical data that shows a high correlation with blood ketones throughout a full day.

Biosense® lets you measure your ketones without having to prick your fingers. Using only your breath, you can accurately track how your ketone levels shift without the pain, hassle, and expense of blood ketone tests.

Biosense® is a small, portable handheld device that can be used conveniently on your schedule. With a few simple breaths, you will discover the depth and duration of your fat burn.

How to Get Started

A Clinic Workflow Specialist will work closely with you to onboard your team and patients.

Create cohort code and share with your patients to customize their in-app experience.


  • ACEs Target
  • Ketone Dose Goal
  • Curated metabolic content
  • in-app branding and messaging

Three Purchase Options:

Patients purchase onsite

Resell Biosense®

Purchase in bulk and distribute as a part of an Remote Patient Monitoring Program

How Patients Get Started with Biosense®

Easy to Start

Patients add your clinic-specific cohort code as part of the in-app onboarding experience to automatically start your customized digital program

Easy to Measure

Patients measure ketone levels without having to prick their fingers

Easy to Track

Patients track their fat burn levels to see their body’s real-time response to sleeping, eating, fasting, and exercise

Easy to Share

Patients can share weekly and monthly results upon request


Clinical Partners & Integrations

See Biosense® In Action

To request more information and a demo, please submit your contact details below:

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