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Biosense® works with Best Buy to address cardiometabolic diseases. – Biosense®
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Biosense® works with Best Buy to address
cardiometabolic diseases.

Biosense® users can now reclaim their metabolic health by shopping at Best Buy

SAINT LOUIS, June 7, 2022 – Readout Health today announced it will work with national retailer Best Buy to make its Biosense® Ketosis Monitoring Solution available for sale via e-commerce channel

CEO of Readout Health, Jim Howard, explained the impact this new relationship with a big box retailer and established e-commerce player will have on its business: “Best Buy has a strong strategy to bring biomarker testing to consumer patients in the home through best-in-class devices and programs, and we are delighted to work with them both strategically and as a key sales channel.”

Best Buy will start offering Biosense® in August online and at selected stores.

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