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LifeOmic Integration – Biosense®
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Data Driven For Better Health Outcomes

Track and graph the progress of your ketosis. Users of the LIFE Fasting Tracker and LIFE Extend apps now have the ability to view their ketone levels throughout their fast with data from the BIOSENSE™ ketone breath monitor.

  • See ketone correlations with fasting, sleep, and various lifestyle changes
  • Access the most comprehensive view of your progress, throughout the day and over time.
  • Gain new insights that will guide your journey to better health.


The New Technology Behind BIOSENSE™ Helps You Succeed By Providing All Day Feedback While Monitoring Your Ketone Levels

ACEs Reading

Published studies and our own clinical research has shown that blood and breath ketones are closely related. While the correspondence is not 1-to-1, knowing your breath acetone concentration does allow us to make educated predictions about your blood ketone levels.

Color Indication

The BIOSENSE™ device and mobile app put your measurement into context by providing a color indicator along with your ACEs reading. The vertical black bar on the results screen indicates where your measurement falls on the overall spectrum of ketosis.

Easy Synchronization

BIOSENSE™ stores up to 100 measurements directly on the BIOSENSE™ device and automatically transfers the data to Cronometer, as well as the BIOSENSE™ app on your phone.


BIOSENSE™ Breath Ketone Monitoring System

  • Bluetooth enabled BIOSENSE™ Device with unlimited testing
  • Micro USB Charging Cable
  • 2 Replacement Mouthpieces
  • Protective neoprene sleeve

How LIFEOMIC & BIOSENSE™ Work Together

  • Measure breath ketones throughout the day with the BIOSENSE™ device.
  • Automatically import readings from BIOSENSE™ to your LIFE Fasting Tracker & LIFE Extend apps.
  • View hourly and daily ketone trends
  • Calibrate your nutrition, workouts and sleep for optimal results


Hear From Our Customers

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