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Zero Landing – Biosense®
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Get $20 off this BIOSENSE breath
ketone monitor and track your
fasts with even greater precision

*Use Code ZEROPLUS At Checkout.

Take Control of Your
Fasting Practice

Thanks to Zero Plus, you already know plenty about Fasting Zones—you’re a pro at monitoring how your macronutrient intake and physical activity affect your fat metabolism, and you’re discovering how to tweak these variables to get the results you want.

But what if, with a mere exhale of breath, you could pinpoint exactly when your body is in ketosis or even high levels where anti-inflammation and autophagy kick-in?

In other
words, what if
you had a
BIOSENSE breath ketone

While most ketone monitors require messy blood sampling and manual record keeping, BIOSENSE uses bluetooth to send readings straight from your breath to your phone, where they sync with Zero Plus to give you an even more precise way of tracking ketosis levels as they change during your fast.
Now you can bring this next-level precision to your fasts for $20 less.

*Use code ZEROPLUS for $20 off.
**Exclusive to Zero Plus subscribers.

How Zero Plus and
BIOSENSE Work Together

Link your BIOSENSE and Zero Plus accounts using the Zero Plus app settings (Settings > Connected Apps).

Measure breath ketones throughout the day with the BIOSENSE device. Your BIOSENSE readings will then be automatically imported into the Zero Plus app.

You’re all set! Data recorded from your BIOSENSE device will update your Fasting Zones in real time.

Armed with this knowledge, you can tweak your fasts, nutrition, workouts, and sleep to improve your health and weight-loss results.

Breath Ketone
Monitoring System

USD $299.00 $279.00 with code ZEROPLUS at checkout* plus tax

Bluetooth-enabled BIOSENSE Device with unlimited testing, micro USB charging cable, 2 replacement mouthpieces, protective neoprene sleeve

*Use code ZEROPLUS for $20 off.
**Exclusive to Zero Plus subscribers.

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