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Keto Diet Book Review: Keto Answers – Biosense®
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There are many, many keto books on the market, but one book that has really caught our attention is Keto Answers. Written by the founder of Perfect Keto, along with Chris Irvin, a master’s degree holder in exercise and nutrition science, this book answers over 265 questions about the ketogenic diet. If you’re looking for a keto diet book, this is the one to get. 

Needless to say, all of our many questions were answered. With over 275, five-star ratings for the book on Amazon, readers seem to agree that this is a must-buy. Chapter 11 is particularly useful for women, as it covers how the keto diet may impact hormones, and you’ll also find information on intermittent fasting, supplements, and much more.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert when it comes to keto, there is much you can learn from reading this book. You’ll learn how to track your macros, how to maintain your sanity throughout the keto flu, and what it takes to stick to the keto diet in the long run. With nearly 500 pages, Keto Answers is exhaustive and makes a great gift for any newcomers to the keto diet.

There are even different sections outlining the differences between keto for medical therapy and keto for weight loss. You’ll get the history of how the ketogenic diet was first developed for epilepsy, and how it has completely changed the lives of many who eat in a low-carb manner.

We also love the substantial references to actual scientific data, as well as the sections outlining why it’s important to buy food from top-tier, organic sources.

Many consumers may start the keto diet believing it’s all about bacon and fat. While bacon is an acceptable food on keto, you still need to eat lots of vegetables, and make sure you are getting the right amounts of micronutrients. Keto Answers breaks down exactly why this is important, and all of the other issues that may arise when you embark on your keto journey.

What Will You Learn From This Book?

In a word – everything. You can find the answer to just about every keto question within the pages of Keto Answers. If we had to choose just one ketogenic resource, we’d recommend this one. Whether you want to know what to eat, how to exercise on keto, or what supplements might be needed to help you succeed, the answers are here.

There are also great infographics, which help you to easily understand the most important ketogenic concepts. 

What Is The Quality Of The Writing Like?

You know how you can read a scientific journal article, and not understand a single word of it? You won’t run into this problem with Keto Answers. The tone is knowledgeable but accessible. You don’t have to worry too much about getting lost – although there is more than enough information here to answer all of your questions.

If you’ve read any of the (many) articles on Perfect Keto, you’ll already know what to expect. Fun, knowledgeable, and accessible – that’s the formula employed throughout the book. If you’re a personal trainer or dietitian, and you need to show a new client why keto may help them. Give them this book.

What Is The Keto Diet – And Why Should I Follow It?

One of our favorite aspects of Keto Answers is that you can easily explain to someone what keto is, and also show them all of the benefits of a low-carb approach. And all of this information is found in one book. Anthony and Chris both do an excellent job of breaking down the many different aspects of ketosis, and even get into the nitty-gritty – all without losing the reader.

While some (if not all) of these answers can already be found in the depths of PubMed – the value of this book is that every answer is pulled together, and organized with great structure. This is probably the only nutrition-based book I could give to my grandmother to read – as well as read for my own personal enjoyment. It’s that good.

If you’re not familiar with the keto diet, it’s a low-carb, high-fat approach. Instead of consuming an abundance of carbohydrates (like in the standard American diet), a ketogenic diet focuses on lots of healthy fats, moderate amounts of protein, and tiny amounts of carbohydrates. Since you’ll be limiting your carbohydrates, you’ll also naturally be limiting your sugar intake.

These two dietary changes usually lead to an epic amount of weight loss – not to mention a huge amount of other positive health changes. You will likely improve your cholesterol, drop your blood pressure, and you may even lower your risk of developing dementia. Keto is that powerful.

Are The Authors Of The Book Credible?

Unfortunately, as keto has grown in popularity, so have the number of imitators. It is important to evaluate each keto resource, and determine whether or not the author of each is credible. Fortunately, in the case of Keto Answers – the answer is a resounding yes! Both Anthony Gustin and Chris Irvin have written hundreds of keto-focused articles, and are also trained in nutrition.

Additionally, they rely on scientific data for their answers. This lends an air of credibility that is not always found in ketogenic books. 

Why Should I Buy This Book?

Even if you have only a passing interest in keto, this is a perfect book to purchase. You won’t have to buy 5 books to get all the answers to your questions – you can just get this one. We really applaud the effort Chris and Anthony made with this book, and it’s not surprising to us that this book has spread far and wide.

We are particularly in love with the index, where every question is written out, so you can quickly find the answer to your query. It’s almost like a Google for keto – and we truly hope they add this feature to! 

You may quickly wonder why you are not further along in the book – and that’s only because there is so much great information here! Without looking at the page numbers, I thought I was on at least page 300 – but I was only on page 150. It’s that deep.

And unlike most books this length, it’s not hard to read or a chore to get through. You almost feel as if you’re having a conversation with the authors. While there really aren’t any flaws with this book since it delivers what the title promises, I would like to see a sequel – using all of the many delicious recipes from Perfect Keto.

In case you haven’t seen it yet – they have one of the best keto recipe archives on the internet. Everything from keto chocolate cookies, to keto ice cream sandwiches. We particularly love their keto donut recipe. But truthfully, every recipe on the site is delicious.

There is a common misconception that keto is bland, and all your favorite foods will fall by the wayside. This is (fortunately) not true, and it’s important to make foods you love (just in low-carb form) – to have long-term success with ketosis.

If you have high blood sugar, or type 2 diabetes – keto may even be a life-changing diet for you. This is because scientific studies have shown that keto helps lower your overall blood sugar, and is also related to better health outcomes for those with diabetes. By simply lowering your carbohydrate and sugar intake, you can tap into the power of ketones – which help drive fat loss, improved blood sugar, and even possible neurological improvements.

Our Final Verdict On Keto Answers

Want a book that contains every answer, to every possible keto question? Then this is the book for you. You’ll find over 250 science-based answers to every keto question, and it’s all written in an easy-to-understand dialect. No Googling for scientific explanations – the authors have already done that work for you.

We’ve read just about every keto book – and this sits at the top of our list. There’s no fluff, no BS, no wasted paragraphs – it’s all evidence-based answers, and every possible topic is covered. A perfect gift for any spouse, relative, or personal training client, as well as something you can refer to again and again. We highly recommend this book, and can’t wait to read the next title from Gustin and Irvin.


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