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#TestimonialTuesday Meet Nick: Biosense Data Helped My Fast – Biosense®
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After four years of living an OMAD Intermittent Fasting lifestyle I decided to start tracking my ketones. I chose Biosense because it seems to be the most accurate for people who are experienced fasters or keto-adapted.

The Evidence

Monday was a blow out feast day; 9 hours of carbs, sugar and alcohol and it took several days to get back into ketosis. I started a 2.5 day fast and it took a 10 mile hike on Saturday to finally get me burning some of my Covid-19 fat stores (20 ACE spike).

This device measures acetone in the breath and to compare the results to a blood testing meter, just add a decimal for an approximation: 19ACE ≈ 1.9mmol/L.

Favorite Thing About Using Biosense?

Biosense gave even readings, while the blood testing meter gave results bouncing all over the place. Needless to say, I’ll be sticking with the Biosense; no expensive strips or finger pricking.

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